Mark Bell
We are proud to have Mark on the team at REAL GOLF, his passion and determination to improve mirrors the values at the heart of REAL GOLF.
Since turning Professional and completeing my PGA qualification Mark has attended European Tour School and won several PGA tournaments.
His playing experiences at a high standard have helped me as a coach and I am able to relate to the more intermediate golfer to pass on knowledge learnt from those events.
When I was asked to be part of the Real Golf team I was firstly proud and excited.
“To be associated with so many passionate professionals with a wealth of knowledge and experiences in their particular fields is a great opportunity to take advantage of. The philosophy of Real Golf is one that just makes complete sense to me. We are all fed ideas of what a swing should look like but underneath this it is more about a swing that is functional for the individual.
“My goal with all of my lessons is to arm the pupil with a clear understanding and explanation of what tasks they need to practice and achieve to improve their performance in the most efficient way possible.”
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