
LIVE Online Webinars

Sessions every month to keep getting better!

Welcome to REAL GOLF LIVE – online webinars.  Following the great success of ‘kitchen golf’ we will now be running  LIVE lessons every month, covering Golf Swing,  and Golf Psychology.  With a new topics each session this is the perfect way to compliment your progress and build your knowledge from the comfort of your own home. Each session also includes a LIVE Q&A so you can direct your questions straight to our professionals. You will also receive access to the recording and library of REAL GOLF lessons and not forget a thing! all this for just £10 per session.

Next session!

Post-shot routines!

We have all heard of a pre-shot routine…this session explores the reasons why post-shot routines are also so important. This 60 min session walks you through the topic and arms you with clear strategies to boost concentration and help maintain you focus and unlock your potential.

Next session – May 27th  @ 7pm on the internet! –

Read more about Charles