Our REAL GOLF focused sessions create the ultimate coaching experience to help fast track your progress. Working for 3 hours in small groups of 4, our coaching schools offer a golf lesson like never before. Please take a look around and let us know what area of your golf needs attention!
May 2021
Schedule and booking here!
Driving School
Swing Clinic
Chipping Masterclass
Putting School
May 2021
Schedule and booking here!
What our students say…
”I first thought 3 hours was a long time, but in fact it was perfect, very well structured and professional, superb!”
David S
”Hi REAL GOLF thanks again for the Short Game School on Saturday, could be a game changer for me…i just played 11 holes at my course and got up and down 4/5 times, 3 of the times getting the ball within 3 feet. REAL GOLF paying off”
Luke C
Julian H
”very good session, excellent fun”
Ingrid S
”Richard was excellent, very knowledgeable”
Scott S
” I give an Excellent ++ for the clarity and delivery of coaching”
Paul L
” The Video added a really helpful visual to the session” Long Game School
Sean B
”A First Class learning experience in every way”
Holy J
“Brian Green was an excellent instructor”
Tarun J
”The session was well structured and very helpful”
Martin D
”a great Coaching experience and one would recommend to all”
Jon M