Hannah Dymott
I am very excited to be working with Richard and the rest of the Real Golf team. It’s a great opportunity which will help me to improve my game and reach my full potential as a golfer. I am looking forward to seeing what the future has in store.
My golfing achievements to date include:
Meon Valley Golf Club Ladies Club Champion 2020
Hampshire Schools Girls Gross Champion 2019
Blackmoor GC Junior Open Stableford Winner 2019
England Golf Abraham Trophy 3rd position 2017
As well as this I am a member of the Hampshire Girls Performance Squad and an active team member at both Lee-on-the-Solent and Meon Valley Golf club.
I would like to become a category one golfer by the time I am 18, and eventually be playing off scratch. I am hoping to receive a golf scholarship to the US which would allow me to play college golf and experience such a great opportunity.
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