Harry Hart
We are pleased to have Harry join the Real Golf family and he will be working closely Kevin Caplehorn at Real Golf site Lee on-the Solent GC.
“I’m 24 years old, have various sports growing up at high-performance level. Started getting into golf at the age of 10 and joined Lee-On-The-Solent Golf Club at the age of 11. First handicap was 28 and as I put time into golf, was able to get down to 0.9 aged 15.
Took my interest in sport to college where I studied development, coaching and
performance. This allowed me to work with various levels of sporting participants, setting goals, viewing stats, reviewing achievements and running coaching sessions in all sports.
Wanting to focus more on my own and others golf development I turned professional in 2019. Turning Professional I was able to play in a handful of pro-ams before the season finished. Cams Hall being the first pro am I played in shooting -3 coming 2nd. Weybrook
Park Pro-Am shot a level par round finishing 3rd was very excited to play a full season and see what 2020 will bring. As well trying to play well myself find it very important to make sure your playing partners have a good experience.
I am now studying Professional Golf Studies at Birmingham University and been given the opportunity to be a part of real golf team. I feel very privileged being part of the Real Golf team and look forward to getting started gaining my knowledge from others and helping other improve on certain aspects of their golf game with the sessions
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